Sunday, May 16, 2010

Phil and Mike and Bob and Jason and David....

The SWAC bloggers have been busy disseminating news, information, and entertaining bits to the blogosphere and, as always, I'm grateful to be part of such a great bunch of guys. Phil has the rundown of conservative bloggers on where he comes in at #2 this week and Mike is #4.

Bob has so much great stuff that includes opinion as well as photos ... David and Jason, both considered First Responders in the Homeland Security program, stay busy with their jobs but jump in there whenever they can.

Tom White at Virginia Right! has today's News Hound, sniffing out the best of the blogosphere on a daily basis.

I am in awe of our military men and women, and Carl posted about a U.S. Army sniper's feat that makes the troops even more awe-inspiring. Would you be accurate shooting a weapon and taking out your target 1 1/2 miles away? That's an accurate sniper and an accurate weapon.

Dr. Bob Holsworth writes on his Virginia Tomorrow blog today about Cuccinelli, conservatives, First Amendment questions, Bob McDonnell, Sean Connaughton, double standards, and Hampton Roads.

This Ain't Hell blog alerts to CNN's latest slam accusing U.S. troops of using chemical weapons.

Bruce McQuain at Questions and Observations blog writes, "If oil spill is Bush’s fault, is 9/11 Clinton’s fault?" Interesting thoughts....

Donald Douglas at American Power posted Jan Brewer and Sarah Palin: Secure the Border - Support Arizona.

There's lots of great reading out there....

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