Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sad news out of Afghanistan....

Donald Douglas reports from American Power:
1,000 Americans dead in Afghanistan ... And naturally, New York Times is fast out of the gate with the news. See, "Grim Milestone: 1,000 Americans Dead":
On Tuesday, the toll of American dead in Afghanistan passed 1,000, after a suicide bomb in Kabul killed at least five United States service members. Having taken nearly seven years to reach the first 500 dead, the war killed the second 500 in fewer than two. A resurgent Taliban active in almost every province, a weak central government incapable of protecting its people and a larger number of American troops in harms way all contributed to the accelerating pace of death.

The mayhem of last August, coming as Afghans were holding national elections, provided a wake-up call to many Americans about the deteriorating conditions in the country. Forty-seven American G.I.’s died that month, more than double the previous August, making it the deadliest month in the deadliest year of the war.
The Times focuses on the death of Private Patrick Fitzgibbon, who stepped on an IED in August 2009. But readers should check the slideshow at Knoxville News, "Remembering Patrick Fitzgibbon: Knoxville soldier killed in Afghanistan."
Operation Enduring Freedom goes on. Our prayers and eternal thanks go to the families of our troops who have died.

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