Monday, May 10, 2010

SCOTUS choice Elena Kagan kicked military recruiters off Harvard campus

President Barack Obama is expected to announce Elena Kagan as his choice to fill the Supreme Court vacancy when Justice Stevens retires. Many will remember that she kicked out the military recruiters while serving as the Dean of Law at Harvard University.

What would such an appointment mean to our military families out there who sacrifice every day for our freedoms? From Move American Forward:
Obama Choice for SCOTUS, Elena Kagan, Angers Pro-Troop Groups ~ Kagan Choice a Slap in the Face to Military and their Families

The nation’s leading grassroots military-support organization, Move America Forward, says military families and their supporters are extremely displeased to learn that President Barack Obama has chosen Solicitor General Elena Kagan to join the U.S. Supreme Court.

During a time of war, when America faces threats from Islamic terrorists, and when we have troops fighting on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq, we need a judge who understands and supports our military.

"Elana Kagan is not that person!” said Danny Gonzalez, Director of Communications. “Kagan was the last person from Obama’s short list that military personnel and their families want to see appointed to the Supreme Court. Not only has Kagan never even been a judge, she has a record of being radically anti-military, most notably in her opposition to the Soloman Act.”

When Kagan was Dean of Law at Harvard University, she expelled military recruiters from campus in defiance of The Solomon Act, which she has argued against in writing and speeches. She, along with 40 other law professors, argued to the Supreme Court against the Soloman Act, but her arguments were rejected by even the most liberal justices.

“President Obama should be appointing to the Supreme Court only those who truly appreciate the heroism and contribution to our freedom we get from the United States military. Kagan fails that test, and we hope she will be summarily rejected in confirmation by the United States Senate.” concluded Gonzalez.
Would America be weakened with such an appointment? Perhaps a Justice who understood the important role the military plays in America's defense and freedom would be a better choice.

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