Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Gov. Bob McDonnell congratulates GOP winners

RICHMOND - Governor Bob McDonnell issued the following statement this evening regarding the 2010 congressional primaries in Virginia:
"Republicans have nominated an impressive group of candidates for this fall's congressional elections. At a time when federal deficits are at a record high, government is rapidly encroaching on personal liberties and freedoms, and too many Americans are still without work, Virginia's Republican slate is in a strong position to send a clear message to Washington that the policies being pursued by Congress are unacceptable.

"This evening the first district Republicans re-nominated Congressman Rob Wittman for a second full term. In a year of voter discontent with leadership in Washington, Congressman Wittman's re-nomination highlights his dedicated representation of the citizens of the first district.

"Second district Republicans tonight nominated a strong leader and businessman in Scott Rigell. I have known Scott for decades, and he is exactly who we need in Washington to get our economy back on track and get Virginians back to work.

"Fifth district Republicans nominated a dedicated state Senator in Robert Hurt. While the Virginia legislature will be without one of its best lawmakers, the citizens of the fifth district will benefit from Robert's passion, intellect and deep understanding of the challenges they face in this tough economy.

"Eighth district Republicans tonight nominated a dedicated veteran of our armed services in Colonel Patrick Murray. For years the eighth district has endured countless votes for bigger government and more job-killing taxes. In Patrick Murray, the citizens in Virginia's eighth district have their best shot in recent memory to elect better representation.

"Eleventh district Republicans this evening nominated successful businessman Keith Fimian to regain Rep. Tom Davis' old Congressional seat. While the nomination campaign between Keith and Fairfax Supervisor Pat Herrity was spirited, I look forward to working together with both men as we push towards the November election.

"This year, Republicans across the Commonwealth nominated a very strong group of candidates in the effort to retake the majority in Virginia's Congressional delegation, and I look forward to joining all candidates from every district in Virginia as we together push towards the crucial midterm elections in November."
Republican Congressional candidates in districts not involved in tonight's primaries include Chuck Smith in Virginia's third district, Rep. Randy Forbes in the fourth district, Rep. Bob Goodlatte in the sixth district, Rep. Eric Cantor in the seventh district, Del. Morgan Griffith in the ninth district, and Rep. Frank Wolf in the tenth district.

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