Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

A father is an important presence in a child's life. Today we honor them for being there.

A special Father's Day is planned for SWAC Husband who is dad to our son and daughter (his day will include grilling). Also sending Dad's Day greetings to my step-father who filled a huge void when my own dad passed away in 1975.

Happy Father's Day also to fellow SWAC bloggers Yankee Phil who is #1 this week on BlogNetNews/Virginia and dad of two sons ... Fishersville Mike who is #3 on BNN and father of two sons ... Bob at The Journey who has a son and daughter ... and David at the Augusta Conservative who has two daughters.

Hope it's a great Dad's Day for the many SWAC area home school dads who make it possible for families to educate their children at home, and to local conservative leader Kurt Michael who has a young son and daughter.

And I can't forget SWAC Niece's father, my brother-in-law, who is dad to a child I adore. Hope everyone enjoys their special day.

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