Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Master Designer

Tuesday's sunset as seen from my front yard. SWAC Daughter and I oohed and awed over the beautiful colors.

Sunset over Appalachian Mountains.

View of Crawford Mountain.

Master Designer
By Kurt Kaiser

Cotton candy clouds, so fluffy and white,
Who put you there in a sky of deep blue?
Or do you just happen to float along,
Pretty and white in a sky so blue, so blue, sky so blue?

Tall mountain, deep valley, fast river, cool stream,
Show grandeur and majesty in some grand scheme
All of these wonders that we behold,
Are only a part – it cannot be told, be told, cannot be told.

Master Designer, Whoever You are,
All of this beauty both near and afar
Can’t just have happened, the odds are too great,
There must be a plan, we’re not left to fate, to fate, not left to fate.

All of this beauty is far too convincing
Master Designer, Your word must be true,
Of all Your creations man is the dearest
Help me to simply believe now in You, in you,
Believe in You.

["Master Designer" is from the Christian rock musical, "Tell It Like It Is." While a teenager, my church youth choir, consisting of about 100 singers plus instrumentalists, performed the musical at churches around Richmond.]

Photos by SWAC Girl
Lynn Mitchell
29 June 2010

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so very much for sharing the pictures and the song. What a wonderful Creator we have!
