Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Time for Obama to "cowboy up"

As oil continues to gush in the Gulf Coast, Byron York points out the spill has exposed Barack Obama, reminding of a time on the presidential campaign trail when Obama was asked about his experience:
In mid-February 2008, fresh from winning a bunch of Super Tuesday primaries, Barack Obama granted an interview to "60 Minutes" correspondent Steve Croft.

"When you sit down and you look at [your] resume," Croft said to Obama, "there's no executive experience, and in fact, correct if I'm wrong, the only thing that you've actually run was the Harvard Law Review."

"Well, I've run my Senate office, and I've run this campaign," Obama said.
Not sure where those activities rank with a huge enviornmental disaster like the Gulf oil spill but public opinion doesn't think the White House is handling it correctly. Obama, meanwhile, continues to play the blame game, pointing fingers at former President George W. Bush.

The true test of a leader comes through adversity. The true character of a leader comes through owning up and accepting responsibility. It's time for Barack Obama to "cowboy up."

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