Thursday, June 24, 2010

World Cup soccer and other thoughts....

A few random thoughts during a busy week....

World Cup soccer.... I was not able to watch Wednesday when the USA won 1-0 over Algeria in the World Cup tournament but certainly heard the outcome and about the denied goal early in the game. It was replayed late Wednesday night so I watched to see with my own two eyes how it all unfolded....

Remembering a fallen hero.... The supervisors observed a moment of silence at the beginning of Wednesday's Board of Supervisors meeting in honor of Spc. Brian "Bucky" Anderson of Shenandoah County who was killed by an IED in Afghanistan earlier this month. We offer prayers to his family and friends. I wrote a post for The Washington Examiner to honor this young hero.

Nate promoted to USMC Sergeant.... Those who read this blog on a regular basis know SWAC area home school graduate Nate Salatin who is in the United States Marine Corps and has served two tours of duty in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Despite those interruptions, he is continuing at Virginia Military Institute (VMI) and hopes to complete his degree in spring 2011. Congratulations on the promotion, Sergeant Nate Salatin, USMC.

Ate lunch at the Depot Grille Wednesday with Barb. Saw a number of people I knew including Augusta Supervisor Nancy Sorrells. It was a busy day at the Depot.

As I drove the back roads heading into Staunton, the temperature was in the mid-90s and I passed a freshly-mowed lawn that had that just-mowed grass smell that sweetens the air in the summer....

The bunny at the end of my driveway.... As I head out my driveway lately, there is a baby bunny who runs across in front of my vehicle and dives under an evergreen bush beside the drive. The way he dives under the bush reminds me, for some reason, of Peter Rabbit trying to escape Mr. McGregor's garden....

We need rain. The garden is growing nicely but we need some rain out of these dark clouds that pass over in the afternoons. The grass is crackly like July grass ... it's an early heat wave ... and the temperature at our house Tuesday registered 99.7 degrees. Now that's hot.

Bike Virginia will have 2,000 bicyclists in the SWAC area this weekend so watch the roadways.

Stay cool out there and enjoy your summer in the Shenandoah Valley....

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