Saturday, June 12, 2010

W's "Inaugural Address" on Facebook

"Thanks for tuning in for my Inaugural Address ... on Facebook."

With a hint of a grin and a familiar twinkle in his eye, former President George W. Bush greeted guests today who tuned in to watch his Facebook video. Just a week ago the word began circulating that he was on Facebook and many, not sure whether it was a hoax or the real thing, dropped by to check it out.

It was apparently the real thing. I guess this makes sense ... everyone is on Facebook now.

The video is vintage George Bush. Tanned and looking relaxed, he reassures viewers that he and Laura are happy, healthy, and that he is happy in retirement, especially living "in the promised land" ... Texas. He adds, with trademark Bush modesty and sincerity, that serving as President was the honor of a lifetime and that he will always be grateful for the opportunity he was given to represent the Nation that he loves. He then joked that retirement isn't so bad either.

President Bush noted that he began writing his book, Decision Points, the day after leaving office and gave it a plug by announcing it will be in book stores in November. He also talked about his Presidential Center that is being built and asked for suggestions and advice, commenting, "I may be done with politics but I'm not done with policy." He ended with, "May God bless you."

W ... one classy act. It was almost like a visit from him.

Cross-posted on The Washington Examiner

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