Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The year of Republican women?

There have been many commentaries about Republican women rising in the ranks this year. Some are running for public office ... others are in grassroots leadership. While it's not unusual for Republican women to be in leadership, this year appears to be different because there's more of them out there.

Mason Conservative thinks Sarah Palin is largely responsible for breaking the glass ceiling that held back many women over the years. That may be true but others like Meg Whitman had already been leaders in private business and are now breaking out on the political scene.

Springboarding from a Boston Globe article, Chris writes:
The Republican Party on almost every level reminds me oftentimes of a Catholic church parish. All the major offices and leadership are run by men, but the every day nuts and bolts of running the operation are run by women. Ask any Catholic where their church would be without the women who run the office and schools and CCD programs.

The Republican Party has for a long time been very similar. With Palin's selection as vice-president last year and her soaring popularity and controversy she has opened the floodgates and broken the glass ceiling in the GOP. It's not an accident, if you ask me, that just two years after her selection, and nearly four years since she beat two sitting governors in one election, that women across the country are rising up and taking control of the party.
If Sarah Palin's presence is a help in this movement, bravo for her.

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