Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Gov. Bob McDonnell and Supplier Diversity Advisory Board

Pictured (L to R): Executive Vice President of Townebank Cecil Hobbs; Metro Community Development Specialist and Radio One on-air personality Clovia Lawrence; President and CEO of Bay Electric, Co. Inc. John Biagas; Secretary of Administration Lisa Hicks-Thomas; Governor McDonnell; Delegate Kenneth Alexander; President and CEO of Virginia Minority Supplier Development Council Tracey Jeter

Governor Bob McDonnell discusses his goals for the Supplier Diversity Advisory Board at the inaugural meeting held today, Tuesday, August 17th, in Richmond. Members of the board were announced yesterday in a press release, which can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't a "Supplier Diversity Advisory Board" antiethical to what we believe as conservatives? While the governor can claim that this provides equal opportunity for all, what it really means is quotas and/or lowered standards. Shouldn't we, the taxpayers, do business with those who provide the best price/service, whether or not they are a minority of some type?
