Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Obama's BBS intensifies

Bash Bush Syndrome (BBS) gripped President Barack Obama as he spoke Monday in former President Bush's home state of Texas.

Speaking of Obama's trip to Texas ... Texas Governor Rick Perry met Obama at the airport to welcome him to the Lone Star State. He had another reason for being there because Obama reportedly did not have time to sit down and talk with a border state governor about the pressing immigration issue, so Perry hand-delivered a letter to the President outlining what needed to be done. The President, however, never touched the envelope but had Perry hand it off to an aide as the President turned away to greet others on the tarmack.

As Julie Mason, the Washington Examiner's White House correspondent, wrote of Obama's Texas stop, "Awkward!"
President Obama looks a little nonplussed by his official greeter in Austin. No matter -- the governor was just showing up his opponent, Democrat Bill White, who buzzed around for weeks saying he wouldn't appear with Obama in Texas today. Perry gave Obama a letter asking for more help along the border.
So rather than talk about important issues concerning national security, Obama considers it time for BBS ... again.

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