Friday, September 10, 2010

Frontier Culture Museum ... it's a small world

What a small world we live in. While attending my first Board of Trustees meeting today at the Frontier Culture Museum, one of the staff members and I discovered we not only grew up in the same area of Chesterfield County but we graduated from the same high school a year apart.

As if that wasn't enough of a coincidence, while talking with another new trustee from Northern Virginia, a retired USMC Lt. Colonel, I asked if he by any chance knew Jim Riley, my "boss" at the Virginia Virtucon blog. He smiled and said Jim was one of his precinct captains in Prince William County. Small, small world.

Great and exciting things are going on with the FCM and I expect to be writing about much of it over the years. It has presented a great hands-on learning opportunity for the local home school students and, in October, the Museum will host the Home Educators Association of Virginia (HEAV) home schoolers from throughout the state -- close to 1,000 of them.

Local home educated students from PEACH (Parent Educators of Augusta County Homes) and other groups volunteer at the Museum, and one of the PEACH students built the wheelchair ramp to the school house as his Eagle Scout project.

After a morning meeting and afternoon meeting, finally arrived home late in the day just in time to get dinner going. Now I've got lots of writing to do for the Washington Examiner and for this blog.

SWAC Husband has the American flags ready to fly first thing in the morning to honor the ninth anniversary of 9/11. May we never forget....

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