Thursday, September 09, 2010

Out and about in the Valley, 9/11, more

September has turned out to be a busy month with many activities on the calendar. I've been out and about this week ...

Yesterday Barb and I drove up to Humpback Rock picnic area, carrying packed lunches and our chairs, prepared to spend time catching up on life and hearing about her recent trip to Alaska. We spent four hours yakking in the coolness of the mountains ... sweaters required. Hope to have photos when I have time....

After shopping in Waynesboro this morning, met a friend for lunch at historic downtown Staunton's Clock Tower restaurant. Quesadillas were on tap....

SWAC Huband and I attended an event hosted by the Frontier Culture Museum in Staunton for the Board of Trustees, Directors, and Foundation Board in preparation for Friday's board meetings. The staff and fellow board members were incredibly welcoming.

I was honored to meet Dr. Nwachukwu Anthony Anakwenze who had flown in from California for the trustees meeting. He is Chairman and CEO of Global Care Medical Group LPA, recently returning from a trip to Africa with Doctors Without Borders. Originally from Nigeria, he had attended college in the U.S. and established a large, successful practice in California. He jokingly said he had checked the climate of various areas of the United States, looking for some place that was not too cold and he didn't want snow! He settled on the San Diego area of California.

Dr. Anakwenze had traveled with FCM's executive director John Avoli to Nigeria to do background research for the African Farm, the newest addition to the Frontier Culture Museum that will open September 18. He was a remarkable man.

As we approach 9/11, I feel a sadness overtaking me remembering that awful day in America's history. Every night there are documentaries on cable channels about it ... I constantly research and read about victims, survivors, and the rescuers.

We plan to fly our 20 Americans flags in front of the house Saturday in memory of those who died, in honor of those who risked their lives to save them, and as a reminder that we should never forget September 11, 2001. God bless the passengers of United Flight 93 and President George W. Bush's leadership as America made its way through those troubled days....

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