Saturday, October 09, 2010

Va. tea party convention day 2 ... update 2

More bloggers will be on bloggers row today. JR Hoeft from Bearing Drift and Jim Bowden along with Kat, Jason Kenney (Virginia Virtucon was represented!), and Tom White and Sandy Sanders of Virginia Right! are here and the Kenney brothers are expected to show up later. Fellow Washington Examiner and Virginia blogosphere bloggers Norm Leahy and Jim Bacon are also here. Dumfries Councilwoman Kristin Forrester stopped by with her six-year-old daughter, Emily, to say hello.

"Ahoy Navy Seals, thar be pirates in DC." Sign held by Navy Seal standing with Debbie Lee, mother of Marc Alan Lee, first Navy Seal killed in Iraq.

Kristin and Emily just stopped by and brought me a big chocolate chip cookie from the food court. Thank you, ladies!

Sandy has made his predictions of who will win today's tea party presidential poll: Ron Paul, winner, and Sarah Palin, runner-up.

I'm sitting next to Sandy Sanders from Virginia Right! as the crowd has thinned to attend breakout sessions. Heading upstairs shortly to be a panelist for the "Online Activism 101" breakout session, along with Charles Kelley, with speaker Eric Elford of Americans for Prosperity.

The tea party convention continues....

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