Friday, October 08, 2010

Virginia tea party convention ... live-blogging update 2

Jamie Radke, executive director of the Virginia Tea Party, just opened the 2010 Virginia Tea Party Convention to a hall that is about half-full at this point. It's expected to fill more as the day goes on and seminars begin. Just walked about the vendors that line the hallways and stopped to talk with Jim Bacon who is selling his book, "Boomergeddon," along with booths offering literature, t-shirts, information, and all kinds of patriotic

We have had the opening prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, and Bishop Jackson is now offering remarks. He is the chaplain for the Family Foundation ... he said, "We are here today because we love America!" Standing ovation, cheers, and applause.  Jenny Beth Martin is now addressing the crowd.

On bloggers row, Smitty from The Other McCain has joined us along with Norm Leahy from Tertium Quids.

There's a break in the action in the Hall as folks head to breakout session....

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