Monday, November 08, 2010

AFP-VA is heading to Capitol Hill next week

The grassroots volunteers with Americans for Prosperity-VA are heading on a bus trip to Washington, DC, on Monday, November 15, to meet on Capitol Hill.

The lame duck session is now a reality, with both the House and Senate set to return November 15 for a one week session, followed by a one-week break for Thanksgiving, and at least one more week at the beginning of December. It is possible it could stay in session throughout December in a reply of last year’s Christmas Eve health care vote.

A recent article in The Hill indicated the outgoing Democratic majority may try to pass as many as 20 bills in the lame duck session, and there is still some risk of an all-out push on everything from EPA regulations to card check to enormous Social Security tax hikes based on the president’s deficit commission recommendations.

Join AFP-Virginia and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann on the steps of our nation’s capitol on November 15th to send a clear message to the lame-duck politicians in Washington that the people have spoken this November. 

WHO: Americans for Prosperity
WHAT: 'November Speaks' Rally
WHEN: Monday, November 15th, 2010 @ Noon
WHERE: Capitol Hill, Washington DC (Corner of Independence & 1st St SE)
WHY: To send a clear message to Washington that voters have spoken this November and that liberal politicians in Washington should not pursue controversial policies in the lame-duck session.

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