Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Election night 2010 ... returns coming in

Live election coverage at the Washington Examiner....

Following the returns with friends aka political junkies who are gathered, television is tuned to Fox News, laptops are set to "State Board of Elections," cheers are going up every time another Republican is added to the score board.

The roof was almost raised off its rafters when Fox News called it for Robert Hurt in the 5th District over Perriello, and Morgan Griffith in the 9th District over Boucher. Way to go, GOP!

And the election return watch continues....

9:00 pm ... Congratulations to the Virginia congressional delegation so far ... Reps. Eric Cantor, Bob Goodlatte, Randy Forbes, Rob Whittman,  Rep. Frank Wolf, and Congressmen-Elect Robert Hurt, Scott Rigell, and Morgan Griffith.

9:50 pm ... waiting on Nevada polls to close and returns to come in....

10:20 pm ... Fox News just showed the U.S. map ... a RED TIDE is making its way across America from east to west.  Still waiting on Nevada....

11:49 pm ... returns for Nevada trickling in. Also finding info on VA-11 where Republican Keith Fimian is neck-in-neck with incumbent Gerry Connolly.

12:36 am ... Sharron Angle lost to Harry Reid by a substantial amount. There will be some analyzing of that race. Lots of races have been decided in the past hour ... I'm updating on Facebook.

Virginia's 11th District race is on hold due to voter machine malfunction. Republican Keith Fimian's campaign notified supporters in his challenge of Democrat Gerry Connolly:
Fairfax, VA – Tim Edson, Campaign Manager for Keith Fimian released this statement tonight:

“Unofficial Election Night results indicate that the race for Congress in the 11th District is too close to call. There are still votes that have not been counted, and we have seen from experience with close elections in Virginia in 2005, 2006 and 2008 that candidates’ vote totals can change by hundreds or even thousands of votes in the post-election canvass process.

In an election this close, it is important to take the time to get the result right by seeing the counting and canvassing process through. When that process is complete, Keith Fimian is confident that he will be declared the winner.”
So we're in a holding pattern on that race....

1:30 am ... first returns from Alaska are beginning to trickle in. Meanwhile, Barack Obama's old senate seat in Illinois fell to the GOP. Republican Toomey in Pennsylvania won over the Democrat in the race for the former seat of Arlen Specter. Heh.

Fox News has projected that the GOP will pick up 65 seats in the U.S. House. Wow.

2:00 am ... how in the heck did Jerry Brown win (again) as governor of California? History truly does repeat itself ... I remember when Gov. Moonbeam was in office the first time. With California's financial mess, it would seem a businesswoman like Meg Whitman would have been the preferred person to head up the state.

2:15 am ... Barbara Boxer was reelected over Carly Fiorina in California. Such a shame. Fox News is showing Fiorina's speech....

8:00 am Wednesday morning ... A red wave washed over America ... Republicans were given a second chance last night. Great wins for many, some heartbreaks for others, but now's the time to roll up our sleeves because the work has just begun....

Now we turn our eyes to Election 2011 ... and beyond.

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