Wednesday, January 12, 2011

ABC News interview: Loughner friend says shooting wasn't political

Good timing this morning when I watched ABC's "Good Morning America" and caught an interview with Zach Osler, 22-year-old high school friend of alleged Arizona shooter Jared Loughner.

The former friend rejected the political reasons offered by many for the shooting:
Loughner's onetime friend said that politics could not have been a motive in the alleged killing.

"He did not watch TV, he disliked the news," Osler said. "He didn't listen to political radio, he didn't take sides, he wasn't on the left, he wasn't on the right."

Osler pointed to an online documentary series called "Zeitgeist" as a possible influence on the man.

The series rails on currency-based economics.

"I really think that this 'Zeitgeist' documentary had a profound impact on Jared's mindset and how he viewed that world that he lives in," Osler said.

Osler also said that Loughner's favorite quote was "Out of chaos breathes creation."

Loughner ended his friendship with Osler through a text message two years ago, writing to him, "I don't want to be friends with you anymore."

"I forgot about Jared. I stopped thinking about this kid because thinking about him wasn't something I wanted to do," Osler said.[emphasis added]
Meanwhile, finger-pointing continues.

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