Sunday, January 16, 2011

Calmer voices speak out after Palin Facebook video flap

Cross-posted at the Washington Examiner....

It is interesting the way the left pores over every word and phrase used by conservatives while allowing liberals to get away with saying just about anything as long as they are in agreement with the liberal thought.

The latest case in point is the huge hypocritical outcry over Sarah Palin's use of the phrase "blood libel" in her Facebook video responding to those who placed blame for Saturday's shooting tragedy in Arizona squarely at her feet. The aftermath of that shooting finds Congresswoman Gabrielle Gibbons still in critical condition with a gunshot wound to the head while other injured bystanders continue to recuperate, and funerals take place for the six innocent Americans who were killed in the shooting rampage including nine-year-old Christine Green.

The Anti-Defamation League spoke out against Gov. Palin's video comments with national director Abraham Foxman stating, "... we wish that Palin had not invoked the phrase 'blood libel' in reference to the actions of journalists and pundits in placing blame for the shooting in Tucson on others. While the term 'blood libel' has become part of the English parlance to refer to someone being falsely accused, we wish that Palin had used another phrase, instead of one so fraught with pain in Jewish history."

Now in response, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach has written an op-ed in today's Wall Street Journal giving the background on the Jewish use of the terminology "blood libel" and then explaining why Gov. Palin is, in his opinion, correct in using the phrase. The danger in this and any circumstance, he emphasized, was blaming innocent parties:
To be sure, America should embrace civil political discourse for its own sake, and no political faction should engage in demonizing rhetoric. But promoting this high principle by simultaneously violating it and engaging in a blood libel against innocent parties is both irresponsible and immoral.
Donald Douglas at the American Power blog noted that Jonah Goldberg has also backed away from the knee-jerk reaction immediately following Palin's video with an article in National Review:
Palin did exactly what her detractors claimed she both must do and couldn’t do: give a grown up, mature statement.
As for the “blood libel” flap, I’ve decided to ratchet down my already very modest objection to the term. While I still think it would have been better had she not used the phrase, so much of the criticism of it is in bad faith. Her intent was honorable and her point was right.
Douglas concluded by noting, "Before folks in Tucson even knew what happened the progressive-left erupted with despicable allegations of Palin's complicity to murder. It doesn't get more sick than that, and as Goldberg's walk-back indicates, some in the conservative Jewish community may be realizing that criticisms of Palin only work to embolden those who aren't their friends."

The rhetoric is sure to continue but at least calmer voices are beginning to weigh in about an event that was the act of a disturbed gunman, not political discourse.

1 comment:

  1. Good post! Yet there is a certain irony. Even though the rabbi is defending her, I doubt Sarah Palin would entirely agree with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach's explanation of the death of Jesus. Instead of blaming the Jews, we should place the sole blame on Pontius Pilate? Is Pilate to be our scapegoat? While Pilate may have been a terror, was he alone to blame?

    I suppose the rabbi rejects the New Testament. Nonetheless, Pilate had to have some motive for crucifying Jesus, and the New Testament gives both Jewish and Roman leaders each their own vile reasons for putting Jesus up on a cross. The New Testament leaves little doubt both Jews and Romans arrested, tried, and sentenced Jesus.

    What the New Testament does not provide is an excuse for Christians to hate Jews. Jesus was a Jew and his apostles were Jews. Jesus did not start a new religion. He fulfilled some of the prophecies of an old religion. So it does not make logical sense for Christians to hate Jews -- or for Jews to hate Christians.

    Unfortunately, even those who call themselves Christian have hated Jews, Christians, and many others. When we humans hate, we fabricate excuses. What we do when we engage in blood libel is we engage in what Jews and Romans did to Jesus. We accuse and set up a kangaroo court to "prove" our accusations. Then we punish the innocent unjustly.
