Wednesday, January 26, 2011

George Allen: "Americans can achieve their dreams"

George Allen Statement on State of the Union

- Washington Speeches Must be Matched with Action, Visions of Role of Government Contrast –

Mt. Vernon, VA – President Barack Obama tonight spoke to a joint session of Congress and the nation in the annual State of the Union address. George Allen issued the following statement:

“No one disputes that President Obama is a gifted orator, but we need the right actions more than the right words. People want to reverse job-destroying policies and instead unleash America’s businesses and entrepreneurs to create jobs.

“Since Senator Jim Webb went to Washington and embraced the liberal policies of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, we have had rising joblessness and skyrocketing national debt. Talk of simply freezing spending now is much more than a day late and trillions of dollars short.

“I’m one who believes that if government reduces burdensome regulations, keeps taxes low, and unleashes our plentiful energy resources then entrepreneurs in the private sector will innovate and create jobs so more Americans can achieve their dreams.”

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