Tuesday, January 25, 2011

George Allen: "Friends, it's time for an American comeback"

 Graphic courtesy of fellow SWAC blogger Fishersville Mike.

On Monday, former Virginia governor and U.S. Senator George Allen made a "soft" announcement that he was officially a candidate for the U.S. Senate seat now held by Jim Webb who defeated Allen in 2006 by less than one-half of a percent of the vote. Webb, who voted for ObamaCare, has not announced if he will run for reelection.

The announcement finally made official what was widely believed to be about to happen by many because of Allen's ever-growing profile statewide in the past two years. While appearing with Republican candidates and raising money at fundraisers, he also made contacts with volunteers throughout the Commonwealth.

His video announcement on Monday was George Allen talking directly to the people:
I wanted to tell you directly that later today I will launch my bid for the U.S. Senate by filing my declaration of candidacy and sending out a statement to the press.

If you have a moment I encourage you to click my video message below. It will be posted on my website later today, but only allies like you can view it right now.

You know me as someone willing to fight for Virginia and I am asking that you hire me on for six years to fight on behalf of Virginia's voices and values which are being ignored by Washington. Allen Email Announcement

Over the last several years, Susan and I have traveled throughout Virginia talking to people anxious about losing their jobs and their homes. We have heard from many parents worried that the rising national debt will rob our children of future opportunities. And from people frustrated that Washington continues to ignore their concerns.

It's time for an American comeback with leaders who listen to 'We The People,' adhere to foundational principles, rein in spending and start creating opportunities for more jobs.

To get there we'll need to listen to Virginia voices - and fight to repeal the government mandated healthcare plan, pass a balanced budget amendment and line-item veto, and reduce our families' energy costs by unleashing our American resources and creativity. If given the honor and responsibility of serving Virginia in the United States Senate, I pledge to work hard for the voices, values and prosperous future of Virginians.

Susan and I look forward to seeing you on the trail ahead including when we do an official kick off tour later in the year. We want to continue spending time with families across Virginia listening and discussing ideas for achievable reforms that will put our country on the path to prosperity. Please check back to www.georgeallen.com for campaign updates and events.

Thank you for standing strong for freedom!
Allen talked with media and bloggers Monday afternoon including a podcast by Bearing Drift, then appeared with Mark Levin on his evening radio show before joining Sean Hannity over at Fox News Channel to talk about his announcement and campaign. Tonight he will be the featured speaker delivering the keynote address to the Home Builders Association of Richmond’s General Membership Meeting.

Meanwhile, the A-Team's A-List is being assembled, announced in the Washington Post, as trusted advisers join new faces to lead the 2012 campaign:
- Terry Hauser, director of the Virginia liaison office for Allen when he was governor, is policy director.
- Betsy Beamer, secretary of the commonwealth for Allen when he was governor, is an adviser.
- Katie Wright, deputy communications director at the Republican National Committee, is a spokeswoman.
- Boyd Marcus, the lead consultant in Allen's successful races in 1991 for Congress and 1993 for governor, is a consultant.
- Dan Allen, communications director at the National Republican Senatorial Committee during the 2004 cycle when Allen was chairman, is an adviser. Dan Allen's firm, Scott Howell & Co., is the media consultant.
- John McLaughlin, is the pollster.
- Abbey Farris of Richmond-based Benedetti and Farris, is the fundraiser.
Follow George Allen on Facebook and Twitter.

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