Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Greg Habeeb, Bill Stanley win special elections

Congratulations to Greg Habeeb (R) and Bill Stanley (R) who won the special elections Tuesday to fill vacancies left when Morgan Griffith (R) won the 9th Congressional seat and Robert Hurt (R) won the 5th Congressional seat in November. A lot of hard work went into a short campaign and now they're hitting the road to Richmond for tomorrow's opening of the 2011 General Assembly session. Great job to all!

Pat Mullins, Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, released the following statement about today's election:
"I want to congratulate Senator-elect Bill Stanley and Delegate-elect Greg Habeeb on their victory in today's special elections. Winning an election is difficult under the best of circumstances. Running a winning campaign over the holidays, through inclement winter weather is an achievement unto itself. Greg, Bill and their teams persevered and put together a fantastic effort.

"Senator-elect Stanley has long been a strong voice in Southside for common-sense, Virginia values, and Delegate-elect Habeeb has been a beacon for the ideals of lower taxes and limited government. I'm confident that the residents of both the 19th Senate District and 8th House District will be well pleased with their new voices in Richmond. Congratulations, Senator-elect Stanley and Delegate-elect Habeeb!

"I also want to thank the stalwart voters of the 8th House District and 19th Senate District - regardless of their choice at the polls - for slogging out through the snow and sleet to make their voices heard. Democracy is not a spectator sport, and everyone who made the effort to have their voice heard in difficult circumstances is to be commended."

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