Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Please come out and support the Rocket Boys this Saturday

What:   Public Input Meeting for Valley Aerospace Team (VAST) to launch model rockets
When:  Saturday, January 15, 2011
Time:   7:00 pm
Where: Swoope Fire Department, Rt. 254 west of Staunton

Remember the Rocket Boys case in Augusta County? Those possible future Homer Hickams who were launching model rockets in western Augusta County were denied a permit after local landowners complained about the activity?

The complete story of the Rockets Boys is here.

Saturday will be the opportunity for the community to attend a public input meeting at the Swoope Volunteer Fire Department at 7:00 pm. Members of the rocket club, VAST, will be available, and adjoining landowners to the launch site have been invited. Come on out and support this family friendly activity that teaches science to our children.

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