Friday, January 14, 2011

A quiet winter night at home....

The winter woods and back roads of Augusta County.

We're at home tonight and it's nice to be enjoying the quiet of the evening inside instead of out in the cold. There's no snow on the ground but the temperatures have been below or at freezing for a while now and it chills the bones when the wind is blowing. However, with the woodstove cranked, we're staying warm.

SWAC Husband is playing on the Wii ... I have to laugh sometimes at his antics while flying, peddling, chasing, and doing whatever game he's working on at any given moment. I spent the day writing and getting some research in the hopper for upcoming stories. There's been lots to write with the General Assembly in session, national news, and the RNC chairman election this afternoon.

It's been fairly busy since the holidays and a glance at the calendar shows that is not going to let up anytime soon. Good. I like busy.

It would be nice to have some snow. Maybe February will be snowier than January has been.

It's winter in the Shenandoah Valley....

Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell
Winter 2011

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