Monday, January 17, 2011

Sargeant Shriver in critical condition

Most of us older bloggers will recognize the name Sargeant Shriver more than many of the younger ones as being part of the Kennedy extended family. His name is in the headlines today because the family has reported that he is in the hospital in critical condition.

According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch:
Former Peace Corps director and vice-presidential nominee R. Sargent Shriver was in critical condition today at a hospital in Maryland, a spokeswoman for the family said.

The 95-year-old was admitted at Suburban Hospital in Bethesda on Sunday, the family said in an e-mail statement attributed to spokeswoman Kirsten Seckler.
Somehow I didn't realize he was 95 years old. His brother-in-law was President John F. Kennedy. He married Kennedy daughter Eunice Shriver who helped organize the Special Olympics and who died in 2009, and is the father of Maria Shriver who is married to former California Gov. Arnold Schwartznegger.

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