Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Vets for Freedom's Hegseth deploying to Afghanistan

VFF founder & Shenandoah County resident Wade Zirkle to be interim director

In 2011-2012, VFF executive director Pete Hegseth will deploy to Afghanistan with a Stryker battalion from the 25th Infantry Division. During that time, VFF founder and combat Marine Wade Zirkle will serve as VFF's interim executive director. God speed to Pete and all our troops in harm's way. From Vets For Freedom Executive Director Pete Hegseth....

Vets for Freedom members,

I will soon go on active duty in preparation for a combat deployment to Afghanistan later this year. It will be an honor to serve overseas again. As a result, later this month I will step down as executive director of VFF and Wade Zirkle--our organization's founder--will be the interim executive director.

Serving as your executive director for the past three years has been an incredible honor, and I'm very proud of what we've accomplished together. Most recently, VFF helped send 6 pro-victory Iraq and Afghanistan veterans to Congress--our new voices in Washington.

While in Afghanistan, and as the mission permits, I plan to send email updates from the front. If you'd like to receive my emails, sign up today at www.PeteHegseth.com.

2011 will be a critical year for our effort in Afghanistan, and I look forward to joining the long line of warriors who have fought to forge success on this important battlefield.

Moving out to draw fire,

Pete Hegseth
Executive Director, Vets for Freedom

P.S. You will not automatically receive my emails from Afghanistan. Sign up today at www.PeteHegseth.com to ensure you're added to the list.

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