Sunday, March 27, 2011

The speakers ... Shenandoah County GOP Reagan dinner

Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-6th)
State Senator Mark Obenshain (R-Harrisonburg)
Del. Todd Gilbert (R-Shenandoah)
Atty. General Ken Cuccinelli (R-VA)

Shenandoah County Republican Committee held a Reagan dinner Saturday night to commemorate the 100th anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's birth. With almost 200 people in attendance, the Big Yellow Barn at Shenandoah Caverns was packed by Republicans from Shenandoah but also from Page, Rockingham, Harrisonburg, Augusta, Roanoke area, and place in between.

Shenandoah GOP Chairman Jeremy McClery was all over the place greeting and welcoming folks as they arrived while grassroots volunteers greeted one another. Shenandoah Republican Women Club president Sue Hughes presided over the silent auction while caterers set up the buffet dinner and the VIP reception with the speakers took back in a private corner of the building.

It was a fun trip up with SWAC Husband and  Barb as we talked about all things political and then some. The anticipated winter weather held off until we were back in Augusta County.

Other posts about the Shenandoah GOP Reagan dinner:

- Congressman Bob Goodlatte at Shenandoah Reagan dinner
- Shenandoah County Republican Women's Club
- The grassroots volunteers
- The speakers 
- Bob Goodlatte, maple festivals, and SWAC Girl

Photos by Lynn Mitchell
26 March 2011

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