Friday, April 01, 2011

George Allen: "Balanced budget amendment only first step"

Balanced Budget Amendment Only First Step

Richmond, VAGeorge Allen issued the following statement today commending the Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment as a first step in reining in federal deficit spending:

“The federal government’s exploding debt has become a national crisis, and it is urgent that Congress act now.  I commend the 47 Republican Senators who have co-sponsored the Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment; it is a good first step in reining in our federal deficit spending.   But we need to go further to change the way Washington does business.  I have been a longtime supporter of a comprehensive budget reform plan that includes the Balanced Budget Amendment with taxpayer protection as well as presidential line-item veto authority and a “paycheck penalty” that would withhold Members’ salaries when they don’t pass a budget on time – if Congress didn’t get paid until they completed their appropriations work, I can guarantee we wouldn’t be more than halfway through the fiscal year with no budget in sight.

“Incredibly, Senators Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and their followers in Washington continue to obstruct reform and defend the status quo.  Serious choices need to be made in Washington.  Before there is any vote to increase the debt ceiling, Democrats must allow the Senate to vote on a Balanced Budget Amendment and make immediate and meaningful cuts in wasteful spending. I don't know anyone outside of Washington who thinks the out-of-control, unaccountable federal government is operating at 100% efficiency.  More than ever, restraint and a healthy dose of discipline is needed to control how Washington spends taxpayer money.”

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