Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Oysters with Mark Obenshain

You're invited to
Oysters with Obenshain

a spring seafood social with special guests

The Hon. Ken Cuccinelli
~Virginia Attorney General ~

Senator George Allen
~ Former Governor & U.S. Senator ~

Congressman Bob Goodlatte
~ 6th District of Virginia ~

THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 5:30 p.m.
VIP Reception 5:00 p.m.


RSVP by April 14th
Telephone (540) 437-1451
Email rsvp@markobenshain.com

Contribution Levels
Grand Benefactor - $2,000
8 VIP Reception Tickets

Benefactor - $1,000
4 VIP Reception Tickets

Patron - $500

Sponsor - $250

Individual - $50 / person

Authorized and paid for by Friends of Mark Obenshain
www.markobenshain.com | 540.437.1451 | mark@markobenshain.com

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