Tuesday, April 05, 2011

RPV: Tim Kaine by the numbers

From Republican Party of Virginia....

DNC Chairman's legacy is one of higher taxes, mismanagement; Virginian's can't afford more of Tim Kaine....

$2.5 Trillion:
True Cost Of ObamaCare Once Fully Implemented that Tim Kaine helped pass.
(Sen. Max Baucus, Floor Remarks, 12/2/09)

$814 Billion:
Price Tag Of Obama's Failed Stimulus that Tim Kaine fought for.
(Bloomberg, 8/20/10)

$569.2 Billion
Amount Of Taxes In ObamaCare that Tim Kaine was Cheerleader in Chief for.
(Letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 3/18/10)

$3.5 billion
Budget gap left for the McDonnell administration to fix due to incompetent revenue estimates by Governor Tim Kaine.
(Virginian-Pilot, 12/17/09, Roanoke Times, 12/2/2008)

$9 million
Amount of money Tim Kaine said VDOT didn't have in order to keep rest stops open.
(Times Dispatch, 7/8/09)

Number of Rest Areas Tim Kaine closed.
(Times-Dispatch, 7/8/09)

$1.1 billion
Amount of money found by audit sitting idle in Tim Kaine's VDOT when rest stops were closed.
(Washington Post, 9/24/10)

$2 billion
Income Tax Hike proposed by Tim Kaine.
(Washington Examiner, 12/18/09)

Amount Tim Kaine proposed to cut from the Commonwealth's Car Tax Relief program.
(Washington Examiner, 12/18/09)

7 days
How long it took Tim Kaine to break his campaign promise not to raise taxes
(Roanoke Times, 1/21/06)

Tim Kaine's place on the list of cheerleaders for Barack Obama.
(DNC Web Site, retrieved April 5, 2011)

Chance that Virginians are going to forget Tim Kaine's liberal record.
(Virginia Voters, Election Day)

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