Wednesday, April 06, 2011

U.S. House daily schedule ... April 6, 2011

On Wednesday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for morning hour and 12:00 p.m. for legislative business. Last votes expected: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
One Minute Speeches (15 per side)
H.R. 910 - Energy Tax Prevention Act (Structured Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. Fred Upton / Energy and Commerce Committee)
The rule provides for one hour of general debate and makes in order the following amendments:
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Amendment #36 (10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Amendment #37 (10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Jerry McNerney Amendment (10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Henry Cuellar Amendment (10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Christopher Murphy Amendment (10 minutes of debate)
Reps. Waxman / DeGette / Inslee Amendment (10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Mike Quigley Amendment (10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Jared Polis Amendment (10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Edward Markey Amendment (10 minutes of debate)
Rep. Bobby Rush Amendment (10 minutes of debate)
Reps. Doyle / Ryan (OH) Amendment (10 minutes of debate)
Reps. Kind / Owens Amendment (10 minutes of debate)
Special Order Speeches

Budget Committee Markup on “H.J. Res. __, the Fiscal 2012 House Budget Resolution
(Wednesday, April 6 at 10:30 a.m.)

Printable PDF

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