Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Kohl's saves energy?

Kohl's ... good stores. However, they are constantly running a prerecorded message that says something like, "You are shopping in an energy efficient store. Did you know your Kohl's store saves 30% in energy costs?"

What they must be saving is 30% in air conditioning costs. It began last summer when we noticed it was warm in the store. Today was the same. As the outside temperature rose to over 80 degrees in Waynesboro, inside it was stuffy. With no ceiling fans and no windows, the air inside the store was still and patrons fanned themselves even as the "energy efficient" announcements placed over and over.

After Kohl's, we went grocery shopping at Martin's. As we walked in the door and the air conditioning hit us in the face, we both said, "Wow! That's feel sooo good."

Message to Kohl's: We're all for saving energy but when shopping for clothes, it's nice to not be sweaty in the store. Could you turn the air conditioning up a bit? Thank you from a customer.

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