Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Augusta County: will BOS vote for mandatory sewer hookups?

Update: Listening to supervisors at Monday's staff briefing, Gerald Garber (Middle River) suggested he was willing to pay one-seventh of the cost of Riverheads' sewer expenses, seeming to suggest that each supervisor should do the same. Tracy Pyles (Pastures) asked where was the rest of the board when there were sewer issues in Craigsville, noting that he had much that needed to be done in his own district. If at all possible, citizens of Augusta County should attend the BOS meeting Wednsday, June 22, at 7 pm at the Government Center to see how this is going to turn out.

Those concerned about overreaching at the federal level may want to attend today's Augusta County staff briefing at the Government Center at 1:30 where an item on the agenda concerns whether to mandate citizens in Greenville, located in southern Augusta County, to hook up to a sewer line.

The issue will be voted on Wednesday night at the regular Board of Supervisors meeting at 7 pm at the Government Center. At that time, members of the public will be allowed to speak for and against the project. But listening to today's staff briefing will probably give a clue as to which way most board members will vote.

Reporter Calvin Trice at the Staunton News Leader wrote last week about this issue:
A preliminary schedule to build a new sewage system for the historic village of Greenville would have the project completed near the end of 2013.

The Augusta County Board of Supervisors is scheduled to consider an ordinance requiring residents within a small area of the village to connect to a sewer line the county is planning to build to address wastewater and pollution problems in the area.

Supervisors are slated on Monday to discuss changes in the county ordinance and the comprehensive development plan that would clear the way for the $3 million project.
Today at 1:30 and Wednesday at 7:00.

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