Friday, June 10, 2011

Rep. Cantor spends week with constituents

While Congress has been on recess this week, Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-7th CD) spent the week visiting constituents in locations throughout his district.

This week, Congressman Cantor met with local business leaders throughout the 7th District, making stops in Richmond and Louisa to talk about his jobs and growth plan that will provide immediate relief for Virginia’s families and businesses by reducing regulatory burdens, fixing our tax code, managing down the debt and getting people back to work.

Congressman Cantor also met with the Virginia Boy Scouts of America, toured the Richmond Public Schools Adult Career and Development Center and delivered the commencement address to the Class of 2011 at Monacan High School.

Here are some highlights from the week:

Richmond Times-Dispatch: Cantor Says Nation Is At A Crossroads, Time To Return To Growth.  The nation is at a crossroads and facing unprecedented challenges, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-7th, told a friendly audience in Henrico County on Wednesday. "I do believe that there is a big choice in front of us, and that choice is almost one of an existential nature," he told the Rotary Club of West Richmond. "It is what kind of country do we want to be, and it is squarely based, I think, on the economy today … of what are we going to do to get back in the mode to grow?" Richmond Times-Dispatch

View pictures of Congressman Cantor’s meeting with the West Richmond Rotary Club HERE.

NBC 12: Congressman Cantor On Efforts To Create An Environment Where Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs Can Flourish.  “Clearly the economy is not growing fast enough, and too many people remain out of work. That's why we in Congress and in the Majority have said that we have to focus on how we get Washington out of the business of making it more difficult for small business to grow. We know that small businesses are the disproportionate job creators and that's why we're driving so hard in the discussions going on in Washington around the budget and the deficit to say, look, Washington has a spending problem, it doesn't have a revenue problem. We have to make sure we are creating an environment for entrepreneurs to jump back in the game and there shouldn't be any talk of raising taxes. There should be talk of trying to ease up on the regulatory policy, and frankly, institute a sensible regulatory policy so small businesses feel that Washington is not trying to hurt them, so small business people can create jobs.”  NBC 12

Watch Congressman Cantor’s full interview HERE.

Daily Progress: Congressman Says Raising Taxes On The People Expected To Create Jobs Is Counterintuitive And A Non-Starter.  House Majority Leader Eric I. Cantor said Tuesday that he believes the debt talks taking place in Washington will lead to “getting something done,” but reiterated the Republican position that tax increases are not an option.  “It is counterintuitive to think that you put disincentives in place by raising taxes on the very people you’re expecting to create jobs. You can’t do that,” said Cantor, R-Henrico. “Other than that, everything’s on the table.” ... Spending cuts alone will not solve the nation’s fiscal woes, Cantor said, stressing that cuts must be accompanied by economic growth.  The Daily Progress

View pictures of Congressman Cantor’s meeting with the Louisa County Chamber of Commerce HERE.

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