Thursday, June 02, 2011

Washington Examiner Thursday headlines

David Freddoso - Anthony Weiner has convinced me

I had hoped to keep our little blog Weiner-free. Seriously, if I never hear another phallic pun it will be too soon. And so I was totally prepared to accept the story offered by Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., that when his Twitter account sent a picture of a...well, you a girl in Seattle, it was just a hack or a prank or something like that. I was ready to forget about it and move on. Read More

Timothy P. Carney - At Commerce, a private hand in the public glove

President Obama's choice to lead the Commerce Department is a revolving-door former regulator who has spent his private-sector career earning millions from government-granted monopolies that depend on subsidies for their profits. Read More

Susan Ferrechio - Weiner not sure if lewd photo is of him

The mystery surrounding an illicit photo on Rep. Anthony Weiner's Twitter account deepened Wednesday after the New York Democrat admitted that he "can't say with certitude" that the lewd picture was not of him. Weiner insisted, however, that he didn't send the picture of a man's crotch in gray underwear to a female college student in Seattle. Weiner repeated to MSNBC on Wednesday that his Twitter account was hacked over the weekend when the picture was sent. Read More

Philip Klein - Sixth circuit hears Obamacare appeal

Earlier today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit heard a suit challenging the national health care law, and Cato's Ilya Shapiro, who was on hand for the oral arguments, found reason for  opponents of the law to be "cautiously optimistic." Read More

Hayley Peterson - Obama, GOP talk but don't agree on debt limit

A meeting between President Obama and House Republicans on Wednesday yielded no progress toward a deal that would prevent the U.S. from defaulting on its debt, and Republicans are now demanding that Obama take a more direct role in negotiations. Read More

Timothy P. Carney - Transportation lobbyist schedules fundraiser for son of Transportation Secretary LaHood

Ray LaHood was a Republican member of Congress, and now he is the Republican in President Obama's Cabinet, serving as Transportation Secretary. His son, Darin, was appointed to a vacant State Senate seat in 2009, and he is currently running for a full term. Bernie Robinson was chief of staff for liberal Democrat James McGovern of Massachusetts. Now, he's a wealthy lobbyist with the powerful Livingston Group, where he lobbies on transportation issues. Read More

Susan Ferrechio - House GOP kills vote on Libya

House Republicans yanked a resolution from the floor that called for an end to U.S. participation in a NATO military action in Libya after it appeared the measure may have had enough support to pass. A House Republican leadership aide acknowledged to The Washington Examiner that U.S. action in Libya has brought "significant bipartisan concern," which for the most part is made up of a coalition of liberal anti-war Democrats and conservative freshmen Republicans. Read More

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