Thursday, July 07, 2011

George Allen: "Virginia values for Washington"

George Allen's commitment to Virginia families....

"The family is the backbone of our society. Virginia families are under stress as never before in our history, due to a declining economy, falling home values, rising prices and government overreach. Also, wrenching social changes are weakening the foundation that the family is to America’s vitality and promise.

“We must adhere to the foundational principles of freedom, opportunity for all, and personal responsibility for ourselves and our families, rather than accept dictates, redistribution and dependency on government.

“We need to take control of our own American destiny. We are vulnerable to outside forces dues to our dangerous levels of debt and counterproductive energy policies. The good news is that there are proven solutions and achievable reforms to reinvigorate the entrepreneurial spirit of America.

“That’s why I want to offer my commitment to you, Virginia’s families: to work to reverse the overexpansion of government, reduce the tremendous debt levied against our children, protect innocent life, preserve property rights, and stand for families on a range of other crucial issues.”

– George Allen

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