Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Virginia homeschoolers continue to work for passage of bills

In a continuation of the status quo that happens year after year, Virginia homeschoolers are watching their bills in the General Assembly come under assault.

Homeschoolers are being urged to contact their legislators to encourage passage of homeschool-friendly bills, as noted by Home Educators Association of Virginia (HEAV) in this Tuesday morning alert from Yvonne Bunn, director of Homeschool Support and Legislative Affairs:
Homeschool Legislation
Let your senator know that you support SB 564, a bill that will clarify and simplify the required curriculum description included with the Notice of Intent. The new language limits a curriculum description to a "list of subjects to be studied during the coming year." This legislation is sponsored by Senator Dick Black (R-Loudoun/Prince William) at HEAV's request. (If Senator Black is your senator, call and thank him for sponsoring this bill.)

If you support sports access for homeschoolers, now is the time to call your delegate in the House and ask him or her to vote for HB 947, patroned by Delegate Rob Bell (R-Charlottesville). This legislation will allow homeschoolers to try out for interscholastic activities.

What's Next?
If both bills pass their "second reading" (debate) on Tuesday in their respective houses, they will have a final vote on the "third reading" on Wednesday. Only the bills that pass the "third reading" will go to the opposite chamber for consideration.  

Contact Information
If you're not sure who is your legislator, click here for his or her contact information. A personal phone call is preferred to an e-mail. You can expect to speak to your legislator's secretary or aide, who will ask for the bill number and your name and address.

Watch the Live Debates!
I expect supporters and opponents to be adamant about their positions. You can watch the floor debates--and see what your legislator says--Tuesday beginning at noon here. The final votes for both bills will be taken on Wednesday. Live internet broadcasts of both the Senate and House are available each day the chambers are in session.
This is the opportunity for homeschoolers to stand up for their rights.

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