Thursday, February 02, 2012

Why did Mitt Romney win Florida?

Why did Mitt Romney win the Florida Republican primary? A few reasons:

  • He had a broad base of support, winning among conservatives, Tea Party members, Evangelicals, women, men, and Hispanics.
  • With over 770,000 votes, he received the most votes in Florida GOP Primary history.
  • The idea that Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum are splitting the conservative vote was proved wrong -- again. Not only did Romney win more support from conservatives and Tea Party supporters than either candidate, he garnered more votes than both candidates combined.
  • Romney won Hispanic voters, a key swing voting bloc in the general election, increasing his support of 14% in 2008 to 54% in Tuesday's results.
  • Every GOP candidate who has won Florida has gone on to win the nomination.
 Going into the Nevada primary on  Saturday, the latest polls show Romney leading the other three candidates.

--From Mitt Romney for President campaign

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