Thursday, February 02, 2012

'You're hired!' Trump endorses Romney

I first heard the rumors this morning that Donald Trump was going to endorse Newt Gingrich. Something didn't seem right.

As my husband and I discussed it, I commented that it seemed odd that one businessman didn't endorse another businessman, which made me wonder what kind of a connection there was between Trump and Gingrich.

Turns out the rumors were wrong and no one has been able to track them down yet (although some contribute them to the Gingrich campaign itself) but, this afternoon, Trump appeared in Las Vegas -- Nevada's primary is Saturday -- and gave his stamp of approval for Mitt Romney.

For some reason, that made sense to me. It also fit in nicely with the Virginia landowner -- Trump owns Trump Winery outside Charlottesville -- and the top two lawmakers, Governor Bob McDonnell and Lt. Governor Bill Bolling, who have both thrown their support behind Romney.

Let's hope even more Americans will agree with Trump's endorsement of Romney and say, "You're hired!"

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