Monday, March 26, 2012

Freeze warning in Shenandoah Valley ... will my wisteria blooms survive? Update

 There's an heirloom wisteria vine that weaves its way completely across the front of our house, gracing us with its fragrant purple blossoms in a spectacular display that is almost breath-taking. The vine is loaded -- absolutely loaded -- with buds this year and some, as the one in the photo, are about to burst into bloom. The warm days have worked their magic on the wisteria just as they have with everything else in the yard that is already in full bloom.

 That makes tonight's freeze warning and forecast of temperatures in the 20s sad news because it could literally nip these blossoms in the bud, just as has happened the past few years. The apple trees in the back yard are also in full bloom and may also be damaged by tonight's cold.

With hundreds of wisteria buds on the vines at risk of freezing tonight, it would be a shame to lose them and the beauty they bring but that's the way of Mother Nature.

Update Tuesday morning: The low last night got down to 25 degrees with patchy frost at our house, not good news for the wisteria. Today the buds that got nipped may begin falling off the vine. Oh, well ... there's always next year!

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell
26 March 2012

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