Saturday, March 03, 2012

Mitt Romney wins Washington

Fox News is calling the Washington caucuses for Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney who expressed gratitude and happiness:
"The voters of Washington have sent a signal that they do not want a Washington insider in the White House," Romney said in a statement. "They want a conservative businessman who understands the private sector and knows how to get the federal government out of the way so that the economy can once again grow vigorously."
Tonight's win is the latest in a string of wins including Arizona,  Michigan, Maine, and Wyoming.

With votes still coming in, Rick Santorum and Ron Paul were battling for second place with Newt Gingrich coming in last.

The momentum from these wins will send Team Romney into Super Tuesday coming up in three days including Virginia where only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul qualified for the ballot.

Go, Mitt!

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