Friday, March 02, 2012

Rasmussen poll: Romney leads with 40%

The latest Rasmussen poll released on Thursday revealed that Mitt Romney is now leading the Republican presidential field of candidates with 40 percent followed by Rick Santorum at 24 percent, Newt Gingrich at 16 percent, and Ron Paul at 12 percent.

Rasmussen noted:
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, coming off his primary wins in Arizona and Michigan, has jumped to a 16-point lead over Rick Santorum in the battle for the Republican presidential nomination.
Ed Morrissey at "Hot Air" delves into the internals of the poll and concludes:
The momentum shift comes at the worst possible time for Santorum. He’s claiming that a tie in delegate allocations in Michigan should give him some credit for a victory in the state, but so far voters seem to be shifting towards the popular-vote winner. With only five days between now and Super Tuesday, Santorum will be facing stiff headwinds in his attempt to keep Romney from re-establishing his inevitability argument and pushing Republicans to get on the bandwagon to bring the contested primaries to an end. In response, Santorum can point to the whipsaw volatility in the polling over the last few weeks to show that it’s not over until someone gets a majority, but in order to maintain that argument, Santorum has to win some primaries, and soon.
Perhaps voters are beginning to gel with their candidate of choice. Super Tuesday is just five days away.

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