Monday, March 05, 2012

Vote Mitt Romney for a financially secure America

Mitt Romney has won five state primaries/caucuses in a row. With tomorrow's ten Super Tuesday states, UVa's Larry Sabato predicted that Romney will take six or seven states. Americans are beginning to see him for the great leader he has been and continues to be.

For those who say he's "not conservative" enough, I would suggest you check out his campaign website at

And for those same people who say he's not conservative enough ... I heard the same thing in 2000 when George W. Bush was running for president. Every election there are candidates who aren't "conservative" enough. We will never find a candidate who is 100 percent what we want but we can darn sure find a candidate who will get this country out of the financial trouble it's currently in. We have that leader in Mitt Romney, a strong leader who has done in private life exactly what the tea party and others have said they want ... someone who balances the books.

I am proud to join my colleagues at Bearing Drift to endorse, support, and volunteer with the Mitt Romney campaign, and would urge you to vote on Tuesday for MITT ROMNEY FOR PRESIDENT.

Some last minute thoughts from the campaign:
A new week of important Republican primaries and caucuses -- a new barrage of attacks from the Obama juggernaut's "kill Romney" playbook.

Surprise, surprise.

Obama's political machine has now set up shop in Ohio in their latest attempt to tear down Mitt Romney and provide cover for Rick Santorum. The Obama campaign has quickly morphed into a Santorum Super PAC.

And while four candidates remain in the Republican nomination battle, the unions are pumping millions of dollars into the race to damage Mitt Romney and protect their sweetheart deals under President Obama. As one union boss put it, "We are in a general election now .... and we're going to do what we can to get [President Obama] reelected."

With the impressive win in Washington on Saturday, Mitt has won five states in a row and has serious momentum heading into Super Tuesday. And that's got the Obama reelection team worried and desperate to stop Mitt.

We beat the liberal Democrats in Michigan -- now we need your help to do it again on Super Tuesday.
Hear, hear.

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