Wednesday, May 09, 2012

American Conservative Union PAC endorses George Allen for U.S. Senate


American Conservative Union PAC Endorses George Allen for U.S. Senate

WASHINGTON, DC – The American Conservative Union Political Action Committee has endorsed George Allen for the U.S. Senate in Virginia in the Republican Primary June 12.

ACU Chairman Al Cardenas issued the following statement:
“George Allen is the clear choice for conservatives who want to win in Virginia this November.  George Allen’s lifetime American Conservative Union rating of 93 while serving in the Congress shows a consistent commitment to conservative principles on a wide range of issues.

"In 2006, George Allen was one of only 35 Senators in a Republican dominated Senate to vote for a rules change that would have made it harder to increase federal spending each year. He later was one of only 41 Senators to vote for an amendment that would have forced Senators to disclose the earmarks they proposed.

"Whether the issue is runaway spending, 2nd Amendment rights or the rights of the unborn, George Allen was there for conservatives.  I urge all conservatives to support George Allen in the Virginia Republican Primary June 12.”
The ACU recently announced its 2011 Ratings of Congress, the 41st edition of the conservative ratings guide. 
For more information on the ACU PAC or to download the full 2011 Ratings of Congress, please visit To support, or learn more about, George Allen, visit

George Allen was thankful for the ACU's endorsement and noted:
“It is an honor to receive the important endorsement of the American Conservative Union, the leading voice of America’s conservative principles. I’m proud to stand for proven, conservative solutions that hold government accountable, reduce taxes and burdensome regulations on families and job-creating businesses, unleash our American energy resources, and free our economy to grow and create jobs.  

"This election will determine whether future generations will have the same opportunities to achieve the American Dream as we had growing up. I believe that our country’s foundational principles of freedom, personal responsibility and opportunity for all will reinvigorate the entrepreneurial spirit of our country with pro-job growth, competitive economic, productive energy, and empowering education policies. Let's join together to send a positive message to the world that ‘America is Open for Business Again.’ "
The ACU co-sponsors C-PAC, a convention of conservative speakers and supporters, held every February in Washington, DC.  

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