Friday, June 01, 2012

Susan Allen, Bob Goodlatte in Staunton June 9

Please join Susan Allen and Congressman Bob Goodlatte on June 9 as they rally supporters for a Get Out The Vote event prior to the GOP Primary on June 12.

Save the date for Rowe's Restaurant in Staunton on Saturday, June 9, at 12:00 noon for a dutch-treat lunch with Susan Allen, wife of U.S. Senate candidate George Allen, along with Congressman Bob Goodlatte.

This is a continuation of the Allen campaign's "Send a Message" tour around the Commonwealth, a two-week tour rallying Virginians to send a message to President Obama, Tim Kaine and their Washington allies by giving George Allen an important victory in the Republican Primary on June 12.

 It's a set plate lunch of sandwich, salad, chips, beverage, and a slice of Mrs. Rowe's famous pie for $12.50 total (includes tax and gratuity).

Due to limited seating, please RSVP ( Let's show George Allen that we support him and look forward to seeing him win the primary and face off against Tim Kaine in the November election.

Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell

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