Sunday, June 10, 2012

Why homeschoolers should vote for George Allen on June 12

Did you know George Allen created Virginia Homeschool Week in 1995 while Governor?

As Governor of Virginia and as a U.S. Senator, George Allen worked to promote home education both here in Virginia and all across America.

Since before he was elected to Thomas Jefferson's seat in the Virginia House of Delegates, George Allen has believed that parents have the right to educate their children in accordance with their moral convictions -- and that government should not arbitrarily interfere with a parent's wishes for their children.

A parent's choice to homeschool their child is something that must be respected, and something that must be legally protected. Parents -- not politics -- should be responsible for raising the next generation of Virginians!

Here are some reasons homeschoolers should vote for George Allen on June 12:

* Supports a Parental Rights Amendment.

* In 1995, as Governor, he created “Virginia Home Education Week” – which continues to be celebrated during the fourth week of January every year.

* George Allen was the first Governor of Virginia to select homeschooled students as Pages and Governor’s Fellows, and as Senator nominated homeschooled students to various Military/Service Academies.

* In the U.S. Senate, George Allen was the main, original cosponsor of the “Homeschool Non- Discrimination Act” (HONDA). HONDA sought to clarify federal laws that overlook or unfairly impact homeschool students. !The bill would have ensured that home educators have access to Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, which allow parents to save $2,000 a year in tax-free accounts for a child’s educational expenses.

* If elected to the U.S. Senate, George Allen will sponsor or co-sponsor the Homeschool Non- Discrimination Act.

Our homeschool liberties are precious and need to be protected. George Allen has proven throughout his entire public service that he is on the side of homeschooling families. I encourage all homeschoolers to exercise their rights and go to the polls on Tuesday, June 12, to vote for GEORGE ALLEN for U.S. SENATE.

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