Wednesday, September 12, 2012

George Allen up +5 over Kaine in latest VA Senate poll

George Allen is up by five points in a new poll released Tuesday by Gravis Marketing, a non-partisan research company, and Capitol Correspondent that reveals the momentum moving in Allen's direction as he begins to pull away from Kaine.

Real Clear Politics listed the poll of 2,238 likely voters that revealed Republican Allen was leading Democrat Tim Kaine by 48-43 percent. The sampling was made up of 39% Democrats, 36% Republicans, and 23% Other (Independents), according to Tom White at Virginia Right, who analyzed the numbers.

The Other (Independent) likely voters in the poll broke for Allen 60 percent to Kaine's 40 percent. That is significant because it continues a trend that was first seen in an August 22, 2012, poll from Public Policy Polling (PPP) when Allen led with double digits, 52-39%, over Kaine with Other (Independents).

Virginia's clash of the titans is considered to be one of the top U.S. Senate races in the country. Allen, former Governor and U.S. Senator, and Kaine, Democratic National Committee Chairman handpicked by President Barack Obama and former Governor, have seen the polls tied for months. The latest numbers should be good news for the Allen campaign.

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