Saturday, November 10, 2012

2012 Staunton Veterans Parade: The elected officials

Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-6th Congressional District)

Delegate Dickie Bell (R-20th House District) with wife, Anne.

Staunton City Council (left to right):
Carolyn Dull, Jim Harrington (in blue shirt), Bruce Elder, Andrea Oakes,
Erik Curren, and Ophie Kier (opposite side).

Mayor Lacy King in the Woodrow Wilson car from the Woodrow Wilson Library.

Augusta County Board of Supervisors Chairman Tracy Pyles was driving the county car while Supervisor Marshall Pattie (far side of car) walked alongside giving out Peppermint Patties.

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell
2012 Veterans Day Parade
November 20, 2012

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