Saturday, December 29, 2012

Former President George H.W. Bush reacts to Gen. Schwarzkopf's death

America has lost a warrior in the passing of General Norman Schwarzkopf, 78, who led U.S. Forces in Operation Desert Storm in 1991 under his commander-in-chief, President George H.W. Bush. Their leadership ousted Saddam Hussein after he had invaded neighboring Kuwait. Yellow ribbons popped up everywhere in the U.S. and American patriotism rebounded during that brief but triumphant war.

President Bush reacted to the passing of his friend:
"Barbara and I mourn the loss of a true American patriot and one of the great military leaders of his generation. A distinguished member of that 'Long Gray Line' hailing from West Point, Gen. Norm Schwarzkopf, to me, epitomized the 'duty, service, country' creed that has defended our freedom and seen this great nation through our most trying international crises. More than that, he was a good and decent man — and a dear friend. Barbara and I send our condolences to his wife, Brenda, and his wonderful family."
Rest in peace, Gen. Schwarzkopf. A grateful nation thanks you for your service.

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